COVID 19 UPDATE- Northwood Clinic Open and Any Extra Information :)
The Facts from AACMA (Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association) for COVID-19
* Chinese Medicine is a registered profession and is regarded as an Allied Health Profession by the Federal Government.
* Allied Health is regarded as a primary health care service and thus serving an essential need/absolutely necessary. E.g if a patient has a bad back or even a cough it is essential to them to get treatment.
* Primary, deemed as first or more important. The WHO regards traditional medicine practice as primary care and the Australian government regards us as allied health and therefore primary care.
* Chinese Medicine practitioners, i.e Acupuncturists are under both primary and essential for a lot of people.
Therefore, due to the above, Northwood Clinic will Currently remain OPEN, unless instructed otherwise in the future.
I will do my upmost to keep patients up to date with current information. Thank you for your time,patience and kindness for all past,present and future patients of Northwood Clinic.
** Any further questions, feel free to contact me, Happy to help :)
"Prevention is Better than Cure"
Northwood Clinic